What Causes Car Accidents in Australia?

Posted On Apr 08 2019
What Causes Car Accidents in Australia?

A good number of people visit Australia annually. Before taking a car on roads, one must be familiar with the traffic and driving rules. However, there can be several reasons for car accidents.

Australia gets to record many car accidents and severe injuries.

Car accidents can cause a high degree of damage to the owner of the vehicle as well as the vehicle. Some Car accidents cases can be severe and result in long-term medical complication.

People often have to incur medical expenses for the treatment of injuries. Even though car insurance covers most of the loss, one might have to pay some additional charges. In addition to physical injuries, mental trauma can deeply affect an individual.

What causes Australia car accidents?

Car accidents can take place for a number of reasons. Most cases involve the negligence of the driver. An accident can also occur because of car equipment failure. In such cases, an individual can get a claim for all the damages. One can also meet an accident due to the poor road conditions of the city.

However, the 5 most common causes of road accidents in Australia are listed below:


One-third of road accidents in Australia happen due to speeding. Speeding is defined as going above the speed limit given by law. In fact, driving at a lower speed limit can also cause a major accident. People who do not drive at a high speed can, therefore, assume that driving at lower speeds can cause considerable damage.

Driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol

Drunk driving is one of the most common causes of accidents in Australia. Despite the strict policing and campaigns for the same issue, people choose to put their lives at risk. A driver must not have more than 0.5% alcohol level in the blood while driving.


Not wearing seatbelts does not cause severe accidents. However, wearing a seat belt decreases the intensity of damage. Statistics say that chances of dying in a car accident increase by 10 times if you do not wear a seatbelt.


Driving in this condition is as dangerous as drunk driving. A tired driver is more likely to cause fatal accidents. If you’ve been driving for a long time, take gaps in the middle of the journey. There are resting spots at every 80-100 km.


Distraction can also be a major cause of car accidents in Australia. Do not use your mobile phone while driving a car. Eating or drinking while driving can also cause a fatal accident.

Drive safe with us

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